

You need to run your own Matrix homeserver.



Create an appservice registration file cactus.yaml that Synapse can read. Use the following template and change the tokens:

# A unique, user-defined ID of the application service which will never change.
id: "Cactus Comments"

# Where the cactus-appservice is hosted:
url: "http://cactus:5000"

# Unique tokens used to authenticate requests between our service and the
# homeserver (and the other way). Use the sha256 hashes of something random.
as_token: "a2d7789eedb3c5076af0864f4af7bef77b1f250ac4e454c373c806876e939cca"
hs_token: "b3b05236568ab46f0d98a978936c514eac93d8f90e6d5cd3895b3db5bb8d788b"

# User associated with our service. In this case ""
sender_localpart: "cactusbot"

    - exclusive: true
      regex: "#comments_.*"

Then add the file path to your Synapse homeserver.yaml:

  - "/path/to/cactus.yaml"

To allow guest comments without users needing to log in, you need to have guest registration enabled. To do this set allow_guest_access: true in homeserver.yaml.

Cactus Comments application service

The Cactus Comments application service is entirely configured with environment variables.

Name Required? Description
CACTUS_HS_TOKEN Yes The token used to authenticate the homeserver. This should match hs_token in the registration YAML file.
CACTUS_AS_TOKEN Yes The token used to authenticate the application service to the homeserver. This should match as_token in the registration YAML file.
CACTUS_HOMESERVER_URL Yes The complete URL of the homeserver that the application service is registered with.
CACTUS_USER_ID Yes The user id for the chatbot interface. This should be based on sender_localpart from the registration YAML file. Example:
CACTUS_NAMESPACE_REGEX No The regex for room aliases that the application service controls. This should match the regex in the registration YAML file. Example: #_comments2_.*.
CACTUS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX No The prefix of room aliases that the application service controls. This should only be set if CACTUS_NAMESPACE_REGEX is set and it should match that. Example: _comments_2.
CACTUS_REGISTRATION_REGEX No Only allow user id’s matching this regex to register new sites. Example:|

CACTUS_NAMESPACE_REGEX and CACTUS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX exists in case you want to change the room alias regex that the application service controls. This is useful if you want to run multiple Cactus Comments deployments on the same homeserver.

There are four required environment variables and they should match those defined in the cactus.yaml above:


Running cactus-appservice

Currently, cactus-appservice is primarily distributed as a docker image. However, you can opt to run it as a systemd service by cloning the repo, at the expense of some additional setup steps.

The application service is stateless either way.

Using docker

If the environment variables above were defined in cactus.env, you could start the application service directly with docker like:

$ docker run --env-file cactus.env --name cactus cactuscomments/cactus-appservice:latest

In docker-compose, this service might look like:

    image: cactuscomments/cactus-appservice:latest
    env_file: "cactus.env"

Using systemd

See the dedicated instructions for systemd here.